Snapchat Filters | Hyatt Regency McCormick Place


Liz has always kept a pulse on emerging social channels. In November 2015, Hyatt Regency’s branded snapchat filter and photo taken by liz were featured in the washington post. She also worked with event planners on co-branded snapchat filters for events such as the 2016 spring Awakening Music festival in chicago who hosted their guests at Hyatt Regency McCormick Place.

  • The Spring Awakening block had approximately 200 room nights, and the Snapchat filter was used 511 times and generated over 27k views.

  • At <$5 for the placement, it was an extremely cost-effective way to engage with the group and their audience at less than a penny per view.

  • After the launch of Instagram Stories at the end of 2016, Snapchat saw an 82% decline in new users and an overall decline in use, and so while she is no longer recommending using Snapchat filters, Liz is an proponent of testing emerging social channels.


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