Associate Engagement videos | Hyatt Regency MCcormick PLace


from internal hyatt corporation video challenges, to videos for monthly or quarterly hotel recognition ceremonies, or just plain feel-good engagement videos, Liz was the go-to content creation specialist for the Hyatt regency mccormick place Human resources team.

Liz set up the slow motion video booth concept for an associate awards gala using AV pipe + drape and lighting and an iPad. Videos played live at the event via YouTube playlist broadcast on a projector screen. Individual videos were edited and remixed to music in iMovie.

Fun interview video in the style of late-night TV poking a bit of fun at the team which was played at a holiday awards dinner. All content was filmed on an iPhone and edited in iMovie.

Hyatt Regency McCormick Place opened their ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to hotel guests and associates alike making a donation on behalf of everyone in this video. Liz coordinated the set up, captured content on iPhone, and edited together in iMovie.

Fun engagement video of the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place team doing the #RunningManChallenge while surprising monthly award winners. Played at a bi-monthly awards ceremony.


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